1st March

Boosting Brand Identity with Colourful Floral Décor

Make your business eye catching by incorporating your brand colours into floral arrangements  

The Facts…

Psychologists found that colours enhance an individual’s visual memory. Research concluded through a series of experiments that a person was more likely to recall an image in colour compared to the same image printed in black and white. Colours are therefore the key to making your brand as memorable as possible. The colour of a company’s logo is what stands out to a customer so it’s vital that the colours you choose can translate your brand correctly to your target consumer audience. 

The Business…  

Colour is an integral part of a brands recognisability, in fact some of the world’s most successful companies have trademarked their colours including Cadburys and Barbie. Research by ColorCom found that customers judged a business or product within ninety seconds and up to ninety percent of that perception was based on colour alone. 

The Colours… 

Colours speak a language of their own and if used correctly can favourable influence how customers view your brand. For example, red has been shown to increase a person heart rate upon looking at it, therefore companies like McDonalds and other food businesses employ red in their logo and various other branding material. Yellow holds connotations of happiness whilst green is associated with environmentalism and nature. Gyms and Pharmacies are most likely to use shades of green in their branding because if signifies health and vitality.

The Flowers…

There are various traditional methods to incorporate colours into your branding for example, logo design, packaging, and virtual marketing techniques. However, if you want to reinforce your brand identity through colour whilst also standing out from the crowd then floral décor is perfect for your business. Synthetic flowers are an effective way to boost your brand identity at a relatively low cost as they can be used for long periods of time and can also be rented for short term use. 

Floral décor helps to reinforce brand identity whilst also being chic and subtle at the same time.